Design for All.

Code for Health.

Make a Change.

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What is Tottillo?

Tottillo is a project that empowers to design and develop inclusive digital products. Especially, it's about e-health solutions and biotech products to be sure that all of them are accessible, adhering to WCAG standards, and prioritize user experience. Tottillo was created in 2023 by MCs bioengineer and web accessibility expert Diana Khalipina.

On this site you will find out how:

  • inclusive design can enhance digital solutions;
  • code anything;
  • develop your own WCAG-compliant projects;
  • create e-health solutions;
  • join a community passionate about accessible, user-friendly health technologies.

people have severe disabilities


people with visual disabilities


people with auditorial disabilities

What we do

Arduino board with sensors

Create projects

Collaborate with us on open-source e-health projects on Hackster. We guide you in developing innovative, accessible biotech solutions that can make a real difference. Be part of a community committed to inclusive health technology.

An opened computer with tables

Make accessible

We provide audits and accessibility modifications for your projects. Our presentations highlight the importance of web accessibility, and we assist in updating company policies and processes to ensure they meet accessibility standards.

Team of young people discussing the information of the computer


Learn to code in Python, C++, Scratch, Arduino while mastering accessibility standarts. We train individuals and employees to design user-friendly technologies and enhance their skills in creating accessible e-health solutions.

Opened computer with the stream video


Join our free webinars, follow us on social networks, and watch our videos to stay updated on the latest in inclusive design for biotech. We share valuable insights and tips to help you create accessible e-health products.

Become completely inclusive

Achieve full accessibility compliance with Tottillo's extensive audit and modification services. We conduct thorough evaluations of your projects to identify and rectify accessibility issues, ensuring they meet WCAG standards.

Our presentations and workshops highlight the critical importance of web accessibility, demonstrating its impact on user experience and inclusivity. We also assist in updating your company’s policies and processes to integrate accessibility into every aspect of your operations, fostering a culture of inclusivity and compliance.

Learn how to code

Gain proficiency in coding with Python, C++, Scratch, Arduino and micro:bit while mastering the principles of inclusive design and accessibility. On your speed, offline in Paris or online.

Our comprehensive training programs cater to both individuals and corporate teams, equipping you with the technical skills and knowledge to create accessible e-health solutions. Learn how to design with WCAG standards in mind and enhance user experience for all. Our training also includes specialized sessions on accessibility rules, ensuring your projects meet the highest inclusivity standards.

Get inspired by open-source e-health projects

Collaborate with us on groundbreaking open-source e-health projects hosted on Hackster. We offer guidance and support in developing innovative and accessible biotech solutions that address real-world health challenges.

By working together, we aim to create a repository of projects that exemplify the best practices in inclusive design and accessibility. Join our vibrant community of developers, designers, and health professionals committed to advancing the field of accessible e-health technologies.

Get useful info on regular basis

Stay connected and informed with our array of free webinars, social network engagements, and informative videos.

Our content is designed to keep you updated on the latest trends and best practices in inclusive design for biotech and e-health.

We provide expert insights, practical tips, and in-depth discussions to help you understand and apply accessibility principles in your projects. Join our community to learn, share, and promote the importance of accessible health technologies.

Call To Find The Best Solution

Web accessibility, coding languages, AI, innovations... It's not easy to be up to dated and to know precisely what you need in order to make your product innovative and accessible. In order to help you we suggest a 30 minutes long free consultation with a goal to prepare the best plan of actions.

Our clients

Web accessibility offers


Basic Plan

  • Basic web accessibility audit
  • List with proposed solutions
  • Accessibility check-lists for employees
  • Support System
Choose Basic Plan


Advanced Plan

  • Advanced web accessibility audit
  • Screen reader check
  • List with proposed solutions
  • Accessibility training for employees
Choose Advanced Plan


Custom accessibility Plan

  • Do you have a project?
  • Do you aim to become 100% accessible?
  • Do you need a personalized solution?
  • This customized plan is for you
Choose Custom Plan

Programming offers


Online Coding Plan

  • 10 hours of professional webinars
  • Interactive presentations on chosen themes
  • Creation of minimum 5 projects
  • Personalized hands-on assistance
Choose Online Plan


Offline Coding Plan

  • 10 hours of trainings in Paris
  • Interactive presentations on chosen themes
  • Creation of minimum 5 projects
  • Personalized hands-on assistance
Choose Offline Plan


Custom Coding Plan

  • Do you have a project?
  • Do you aim to become 100% innovative?
  • Do you need a personalized solution?
  • This customized plan is for you
Choose Custom Coding Plan

Our publications

  • It's january time and we need to remember about the importance of light for our health.

    Light, especially sunlight, triggers the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter linked to mood regulation. Reduced exposure to natural light, particularly during winter months (Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD), has been associated with mood disorders like depression and anxiety. Light therapy, utilizing specific artificial light sources, has shown efficacy in managing such conditions by simulating natural light exposure.

    Impact of Light on circadian rhythms: scientific research has demonstrated the vital role of light in regulating our circadian rhythms – the body's internal clock. Exposure to natural light, particularly in the morning, helps synchronize our biological clock, promoting better sleep patterns, mood regulation, and overall health. Insufficient exposure to natural light, especially in artificial environments, can disrupt circadian rhythms, leading to sleep disturbances and affecting mental health.

  • There are several documented instances where e-health wearable devices have had a significant impact on individuals' health. Here's one real-life example:

    Example: Detection of Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) Using Apple Watch

    In a study conducted by researchers at Stanford University and Apple, the Apple Watch's built-in heart rate monitoring feature was used to detect irregular heart rhythms, specifically atrial fibrillation (AFib), in participants.

    During the study, the Apple Watch's irregular rhythm notification feature alerted a user, Ed Dentel, to potential AFib. Dentel, who was not experiencing any symptoms at the time, received an alert indicating an irregular heartbeat. He decided to consult a physician due to this notification.

    Upon visiting the doctor and sharing the data collected by the Apple Watch, further tests confirmed that Dentel did indeed have atrial fibrillation. Dentel was asymptomatic, meaning he was unaware of the condition before the Apple Watch notification prompted him to seek medical attention.

    This real-life case demonstrated how the Apple Watch's heart rate monitoring feature helped in the early detection of a heart condition, allowing the individual to seek medical help promptly. Dentel's story is just one among many examples showcasing how wearable devices equipped with health-monitoring features can potentially save lives by alerting users to health issues they might not have been aware of otherwise.

    It's important to note that while wearable devices can provide valuable insights, they are not a replacement for professional medical advice. However, they can serve as proactive tools for monitoring health and prompting individuals to seek timely medical attention when necessary.

  • Measuring stress levels directly through physiological parameters on a daily basis is challenging, as stress is a complex and subjective experience. However, there are some measurable body parameters and indicators that, when consistently monitored, can provide insights into your stress levels over time. These parameters can help you identify signs of chronic stress or acute stress responses. Here are five key measurable indicators to consider tracking:

    1. Heart Rate Variability (HRV): HRV measures the variation in time between successive heartbeats. It is influenced by the autonomic nervous system, and lower HRV is often associated with higher stress levels. Specialized apps and devices can help you track HRV over time.

    2. Blood Pressure: chronic stress can contribute to hypertension. Regular monitoring of your blood pressure, especially if you have a history of hypertension, can indicate changes related to stress.

    3. Cortisol Levels: cortisol is a stress hormone, and its levels can be measured through blood or saliva tests. However, it's not typically measured daily but rather as part of a broader assessment of stress over time.

    4. Sleep Patterns: stress can impact your sleep quality and quantity. Tracking your sleep patterns, including the duration and quality of your sleep, can help identify sleep disturbances associated with stress.

    5. Respiration Rate: stress can affect your breathing patterns. Monitoring your respiration rate (breaths per minute) can give you insights into whether you're experiencing shallow or rapid breathing, which can be indicative of stress.

    While these parameters can provide some information about your stress levels, it's important to remember that stress is a multifaceted condition that encompasses mental, emotional, and physical aspects. A comprehensive approach to managing stress includes lifestyle changes, relaxation techniques, and seeking support from healthcare professionals or mental health experts when necessary. Additionally, monitoring these parameters should be part of a broader strategy to manage and reduce stress. Tracking stress-related symptoms, mood changes, and behavioral patterns can also be essential for a more holistic understanding of your stress levels.

  • The history of e-health and self-monitoring dates back several decades and has evolved significantly over time. Here's a brief overview of their history:

    1️⃣ Early Stages (1970s-1990s):

    In the 1970s, the concept of telemedicine emerged, allowing healthcare professionals to remotely diagnose and treat patients using telecommunications technology.

    In the 1980s, the advent of personal computers and the internet laid the foundation for the development of electronic health records (EHRs). EHRs digitized patient medical information, making it easier to store and retrieve.

    In the 1990s, the internet became more accessible, and the term "e-health" was coined to encompass the use of electronic means for healthcare delivery, information dissemination, and communication.

    2️⃣ Rise of Self-Monitoring (2000s-2010s):

    With the proliferation of consumer technology, the 2000s witnessed a surge in self-monitoring devices and wearables. Devices such as pedometers, heart rate monitors, and blood glucose meters allowed individuals to track their health parameters.

    The advent of smartphones and mobile apps further accelerated the self-monitoring trend. People could use apps to record their exercise routines, monitor calorie intake, track sleep patterns, and more.

    The Quantified Self movement gained momentum during this period, promoting self-tracking and data analysis for personal health insights. Individuals began using tools like Fitbit, Jawbone, and other wearable devices to collect and analyze data about their activities and well-being.

    3️⃣ Integration of E-Health and Self-Monitoring (2010s-Present):

    The integration of e-health and self-monitoring became more prevalent in the 2010s. Health apps and platforms started incorporating self-monitoring data into electronic health records, enabling better analysis and decision-making.

    The emergence of cloud computing and big data analytics provided opportunities to store and process large volumes of health data efficiently. This allowed for more advanced data analysis, personalized recommendations, and population health studies.

    The Internet of Things (IoT) played a crucial role in connecting various medical devices and wearables to the internet. This integration allowed real-time monitoring of patients and facilitated remote healthcare services.

    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms have been increasingly applied to e-health and self-monitoring data to identify patterns, predict health risks, and support diagnosis and treatment decisions.

  • There are several physical measurements that can be used to assess a person's health, including height, weight, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Here are some standard or recommended ranges for these measurements:

    📌 Height: The average height for adult men is around 5'9" (175 cm) and for adult women is around 5'4" (162 cm).

    📌 Weight: The ideal weight for an individual depends on their height, gender, and body composition.

    📌 Body Mass Index (BMI): BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered healthy.

    📌 Blood pressure: A healthy blood pressure range is typically less than 120/80 mmHg.

    📌 Cholesterol levels: A healthy cholesterol level is considered to be below 200 mg/dL.

    📌 Step number: 10,000 steps per day. However, it's important to note that the number of steps needed for optimal health can vary depending on an individual's age, gender, and physical condition.

  • There are a variety of everyday devices that can help check a person's state of health, including:

    📌 Thermometers: it can be used to measure body temperature and help detect fever, which can be a sign of an infection or illness.

    📌 Blood pressure monitors: it can help monitor blood pressure, which can help detect and manage high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

    📌 Glucometers: these devices can help monitor blood sugar levels, which is important for people with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition.

    📌 Fitness trackers: they can monitor various health metrics such as heart rate, steps taken, and calories burned. They can also provide insights into sleep patterns and help motivate people to be more active.

    📌 Pulse oximeters: it can measure the level of oxygen in the blood, which can help detect respiratory problems or other health issues.

    📌 Smart scales: these devices can measure weight, body fat percentage, and other metrics, which can help people monitor their overall health and fitness.

    📌 ECG monitors: it can measure the electrical activity of the heart, which can help detect and monitor heart problems.

  • Eating mussels can have several effects on the physiological parameters of the body. Here are some potential effects:

    📌 Nutrient intake: Mussels are a rich source of several nutrients, including protein, vitamins, and minerals such as iron, zinc, and selenium. Eating mussels can therefore contribute to overall nutrient intake and help support the body's physiological functions. This parameter can be checked indirectly by cheching oxigen level, body temperature and pulse.

    📌 Cholesterol level: Mussels are relatively low in fat and cholesterol, which may help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels in the body. This parameter can be checked by using non-invasive cholesterol sensor for Arduino.

    📌 Blood pressure: Mussels are a good source of potassium, which is important for regulating blood pressure. Eating mussels may therefore help to maintain healthy blood pressure levels. This parameter can be checked with a blood pressure sensor for Arduino ARD SEN PRESSURE.

    📌 Inflammation: Mussels contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming mussels may therefore help to reduce inflammation in the body and potentially reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases. This parameter can be checked indirectly by cheching oxigen level, body temperature and pulse.

    It's worth noting that the effects of eating mussels on physiological parameters can vary depending on the individual and their overall diet and lifestyle. Additionally, factors such as how the mussels are prepared (e.g. steamed, fried, etc.) can also impact the nutritional value and potential health benefits of consuming them.

  • There are many low-tech wearable devices that can be used for health monitoring, including:

    📌 Pedometers: These devices track the number of steps taken throughout the day and can provide an estimate of the amount of physical activity performed.

    📌 Heart rate monitors: These devices track the wearer's heart rate, which can be helpful in monitoring cardiovascular health.

    📌 Blood pressure monitors: These devices can provide accurate readings of blood pressure, which can help detect hypertension and other cardiovascular conditions.

    📌 Sleep trackers: These devices monitor sleep patterns and can help identify sleep disorders and improve sleep quality.

    📌 Fitness trackers: These devices can monitor a variety of metrics, such as steps taken, calories burned, and distance traveled, to provide an overall picture of physical activity.

    📌 Posture correctors: These devices can help improve posture by reminding wearers to sit up straight and providing feedback on their posture throughout the day.

    📌 Medical alert bracelets: These devices can provide important medical information, such as allergies and medical conditions, to emergency responders in case of an emergency.

    Low-tech wearable devices can be helpful in promoting healthy habits and detecting early warning signs of health issues.

  • Physical training can have various effects on the body's physiological parameters, including heart rate, body humidity, and body temperature. Here are some potential changes that can occur:

    📌 Heart rate: During physical training, heart rate can increase due to increased oxygen demand by the muscles. The heart works harder to pump blood to the muscles, which can cause a temporary increase in heart rate during exercise. Over time, regular exercise can improve cardiovascular fitness, which can lead to a lower resting heart rate.

    📌 Body humidity: During exercise, the body can sweat to regulate body temperature, which can increase humidity levels on the skin. Sweating helps cool down the body by evaporating sweat, which removes heat from the skin's surface. The amount of sweat produced during exercise can vary based on several factors, including exercise intensity, ambient temperature, and individual characteristics.

    📌 Body temperature: Physical training can increase body temperature due to the body's increased metabolic rate during exercise. The muscles generate heat during exercise, which can cause an increase in body temperature. The body can regulate temperature by sweating and increasing blood flow to the skin, which can dissipate heat.

    Overall, the effects of physical training on the body's physiological parameters will depend on several factors, including the type, intensity, and duration of exercise, as well as individual characteristics such as age, weight, and overall health status. Regular exercise can lead to positive adaptations in these physiological parameters, improving physical fitness and overall health.

  • There are several modern technologies that are used to monitor health state. Here are some of them are:

    📌 Wearable devices: These are devices that can be worn on the body to track various health parameters like heart rate, blood pressure, sleep patterns, physical activity, and more. Examples include fitness trackers, smartwatches, and health monitors.

    📌 Mobile apps: There are numerous health apps available on smartphones that can track various health metrics, provide health education, and connect users with healthcare professionals.

    📌 Telemedicine: This involves using video conferencing and other remote communication technologies to consult with healthcare professionals, receive medical advice, and even receive treatment for certain conditions.

    📌 Electronic health records: These are digital records of a patient's health history that can be accessed and updated by healthcare professionals. This allows for more accurate and coordinated care.

    📌 Remote patient monitoring: This involves using connected medical devices to monitor a patient's health remotely, often in real-time. This can help healthcare professionals detect changes in a patient's condition and intervene before a serious problem occurs.

    📌 Artificial intelligence: AI-powered tools are increasingly being used to analyze large amounts of health data, detect patterns, and make predictions about a patient's health. This can help healthcare professionals provide more personalized and effective care.

  • Regularly monitoring certain body parameters can help individuals identify potential health issues early on and take preventive measures. Here are some important body parameters that should be checked regularly:

    📌 Blood pressure: High blood pressure, or hypertension, can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. Blood pressure should be checked at least once a year, and more frequently if you have a history of high blood pressure or other risk factors.

    📌 Cholesterol: High cholesterol levels can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Adults over 20 years of age should have their cholesterol checked at least once every five years.

    📌 Body weight: Maintaining a healthy weight is important for overall health. Adults should monitor their weight regularly and aim to stay within a healthy range based on their body mass index (BMI).

    📌 Blood sugar: High blood sugar levels can indicate diabetes or prediabetes. Individuals with a family history of diabetes, obesity, or other risk factors should have their blood sugar levels checked regularly.

    📌 Body temperature: A high body temperature can indicate a fever or infection. It's important to check your body temperature if you're feeling unwell.

    📌 Skin: Changes in skin color, texture, or appearance could be a sign of skin cancer. It's important to regularly check your skin and report any changes to your doctor.

    📌 Vision: Regular eye exams can help detect vision problems, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Eye exams can also detect more serious conditions, such as glaucoma and cataracts.

    📌 Oral health: Regular dental checkups can help detect oral health problems, such as cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer.

    It's important to discuss with your healthcare provider which parameters you should monitor and how frequently, based on your personal health history and risk factors.

  • Why I love teaching how modern technologies and e-health devices can be useful in helping individuals to learn more about their bodies and take control of their own health and well-being ?

    📌Personalized health data: e-health devices, such as fitness trackers, smartwatches, and smartphone apps, can collect data on various aspects of a person's health, such as activity levels, heart rate, sleep patterns, and more. This data can be used to create personalized health profiles, which can help individuals to better understand their bodies and identify areas where they may need to make changes.

    📌Remote monitoring: remote monitoring technologies can allow healthcare providers to monitor patients' health remotely, such as through telemedicine visits, which can improve access to care, particularly for those who may have difficulty traveling to appointments.

    📌Chronic disease management: e-health devices can be particularly helpful for individuals with chronic diseases, such as diabetes, by providing real-time monitoring of glucose levels and insulin delivery, which can help to better manage the condition.

    📌Health education: e-health tools can provide access to health information and educational resources, such as articles, videos, and interactive tools, that can help individuals learn more about their bodies and how to take care of them.

    📌Mental health support: E-health tools can also provide mental health support through apps and platforms that offer meditation, relaxation exercises, and virtual counseling sessions.
